Make a Difference
Help Us Get This Right
While we have a beautiful and picturesque ground, with a lovely, quaint pavilion, we a lacking in two main areas of our facility - training nets and the pitch itself. Here's a breakdown of our immediate funding needs with approximate costs:
Junior training equipment - £2k
New Artificial Wicket - £9k
2 x cricket nets - £20k
Reconstruct cricket square - £30k
Grounds Equipment - £7k
Your help towards these facilities is much needed, and greatly appreciated.
Your Peace of Mind
Petworth Park Cricket Club is a Community Interest Company (10561565) and therefore has an asset lock, meaning funds can only be used to pursue the purpose of the organisation. All funds donated will be spent on developing facilities that offer sporting opportunities for girls and boys in the Petworth area.
Thank you for your generosity.
Bank Transfer
Sort code: 60-16-27
Account number: 89106172