Cricket came back to the abandoned pitch in Petworth Park on Saturday when campaign to revive the Petworth Park Cricket Club had its official launch. Campaign leader Alex Rees, who is passionate about the sport as a player who has captained sides and a qualified groundsman and coach wants to relaunch the once thriving club focussing on juniors at first to provide a strong base for teams in the future.”
He has the backing of the Sussex Cricket Foundation which has already run cricket sessions at Petworth Primary School and on Saturday foundation coach Alan Smith was at the launch barbecue to get play under way.
Alex told the Observer: “ We were delighted so many people came along to show interest in the re-launch event, including many young children and their parents.
“Sussex Cricket Foundation coach Alan Smith got all the juniors playing straight away, and kept the activities going for two hours. Girls and boys of all ages enjoyed fun cricket games.
“This gave the parents a chance to enjoy a drink, and find out more about the revival project.
“People were able to register their interest and specify whether they’re interested in helping, coaching, playing, being a social member or sponsoring.”
He said the next steps would be to finalise the new club’s five year plan and present its kick-starter fundraising plans required to rebuild the facilities at the club.
“There will be opportunities for people to sponsor, donate or sign up as club supporters. “In the short term, we’re looking to run some U9 Kwik Cricket events in the summer holidays. “We’re grateful to Petworth Primary School, Sussex Cricket Foundation and Waitrose for supporting the event,” he added.
Read original article here.